Jacob below never knew Ronnie - just read about him from your blog - and called me to donate.
Jacob wrote "Bobby Please tell me what is left on Likutei Moharan and how to go ahead and send the money. (Jacob donated $500.00 and gave us the Chizuk to make an even larger dedication.
Bobbie spoke to Rav Chaim Kramer - and asked for a larger dedication in FRONT OF THE whole SEFER in Ronnie's memory. It cost $5,000 - and we will I"YH keep at it until we raise the entire amount.
Bobbie spoke to Rav Chaim Kramer - and asked for a larger dedication in FRONT OF THE whole SEFER in Ronnie's memory. It cost $5,000 - and we will I"YH keep at it until we raise the entire amount.
Jacob's blessing to Ronnie: May the Zechus of Rabeinu uplift Ronnie’s Neshama to the Highest of Heights.
May we all see the Geula Shleima BeKarov. Amen!!!
Thank You for the opportunity".
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